Used LTX-CREDENCE D10 #9160605 for sale

ID: 9160605
LTX-CREDENCE D10 is a fully automated equipment designed to provide an enhanced, comprehensive final test solution. This system allows us to test multiple products at once, while also enabling manufacturers and service centers to complete final tests faster and more efficiently. The package includes the full range of LTX-CREDENCE advanced functional test solutions. It allows us to test minimum, maximum, and average-load behavior and measure pin speed. It also provides a wide range of current and voltage measurements, along with a data capture capability, giving us a full range of test functions. LTX-CREDENCE D-10 is optimized for speed and accuracy to ensure that all tests are performed as accurately as possible. The unit can be customized to meet the needs of any specific application. We can adjust the machine's configuration to include varying degrees of complexity, including user-defined parameters, multi-level dwell times, and more. D 10 includes a number of features to ensure maximum efficiency and accuracy. It includes a high speed digital switch that can quickly switch between measurement points, allowing us to more quickly move between tests. There are also configurable details, such as current carrying capacity settings, that can be adjusted to customize the tool for any particular application. The user interface of the asset is highly intuitive, making it easy to understand and use. We can easily view the measurements taken, review the testing results, and modify any parameters as needed. The graphical user interface also allows us to quickly comprehend the results, allowing us to more accurately identify any problems. D-10 is a reliable and trustworthy tool for final test solutions. It provides us with the tools to efficiently and effectively identify defects and ensure a successful product launch. It is designed to be used in any test environment, giving us the flexibility and versatility required for modern testing applications. The model is backed by a full support team, providing assistance whenever needed.
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