Used PDF SOLUTION PDFasTest #9384983 for sale

ID: 9384983
PDF SOLUTION PDFasTest is a cloud-based final test equipment which provides a secure and cost-effective way to verify the content of a PDF document. The system is designed for companies and organisations who need to ensure accuracy and integrity of their PDF documents. PDFasTest provides a comprehensive suite of testing solutions which can be tailored to the user's specific requirements. The unit consists of a secure environment which enables users to upload files for viewing, comparison, or verification. The machine is integrated with the Adobe Acrobat Reader and enables users to upload documents, such as PDFs, to the tool for validation. The cloud-based platform also includes a web-based interface for users to review the results of validations in real-time. The asset is designed to detect and alert any discrepancies in the contents of PDFs upload to the model, including text, images, fonts, positioning, and layout. PDF SOLUTION PDFasTest can detect common issues, such as corrupt or incorrect text, changes in line spacing or font size, missing or incorrect images, and misalignments. The equipment can be used to detect any tampering, revision, or unauthorized changes that may have been applied to the original PDF. PDFasTest also features an automated solution to quickly and efficiently compare PDF documents uploaded to the system. Users can match two versions of the same document to analyse any differences between them. The unit also has a library of predefined and custom testing rules which can be used to verify the accuracy of a document based on user-defined criteria. These rules can include checks for spelling and grammar mistakes, formatting, design elements, or other specific criteria. In addition, PDF SOLUTION PDFasTest includes an audit trail feature which provides users with an overview of actions taken within the machine. This enables users to view the audit history of all validation results and other tool activity. The asset also includes a reporting module which generates graphical reports of the results and any discrepancies found in the PDF documents. The reports can be exported as PDFs or other file formats for external use and can be printed and shared with internal teams or stakeholders. In conclusion, PDFasTest final test model provides a secure and cost-effective way to verify the content of PDF documents. The equipment features a range of testing and comparison solutions to detect commonly occurring discrepancies, and provides a comprehensive reporting and audit trail feature to enable users to analyse system activities.
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