Used TERADYNE 239-026-31 #9185519 for sale
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TERADYNE 239-026-31 Final Test Equipment is an ideal choice for organizations looking for a reliable, comprehensive, yet affordable test solution. This system combines an efficient design and superior engineering to provide superior results while also keeping costs within budget. 239-026-31 was designed to test both printed circuit boards (PCBs) and full assemblies. It features state-of-the-art, high-speed test capability to ensure that production tasks can be completed with maximum efficiency, while maintaining excellent test quality. The main components of TERADYNE 239-026-31 Final Test Unit include a configured central PC and two touch screen digital panels. The included main PC is equipped with an Intel Core processor and up to 16GB of RAM. The digital panel controllers are configured to handle multiple parts up to 256 bit width, providing ample coverage for typical production tasks. The machine can accommodate testing of up to 32 channels simultaneously, further enhancing the efficiency and throughput of the tool. Additionally, all channels also feature off-site monitoring capabilities, allowing for remote monitoring and intervention in case of any issues. 239-026-31 also features several user friendly features. It provides HMI software for users which greatly simplifies setup and operation along with dedicated operator context support for quick guidance during operation. Furthermore, this asset can also integrate with any production monitoring model to maximize efficiency further. In conclusion, TERADYNE 239-026-31 Final Test Equipment is an excellent choice for cost-effective, quality test solutions. It provides superior performance with excellent quality and efficient operation, along with an intuitive HMI and off-site monitoring capabilities for maximum versatility and flexibility. It offers superior test quality, higher throughput, lower testing costs, and higher productivity in PCB or assembly testing.
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