Used TERADYNE A360 #9167875 for sale

ID: 9167875
TERADYNE A360 is a complete suite of hardware and software tools designed for end-of-line or 'final test', to verify a product's compliance with its performance, safety, reliability and other specification requirements. The equipment is capable of verifying feature-level requirements and acceptance criteria, structural and timing compliance and functional and parametric tests at the board level. It combines advanced test systems and resources together using a distributed architecture to achieve higher-level, multi-functional, multi-site, or multi-cycle test scenarios. TERADYNE A 360 consists of a distributed system controller, automatic test equipment, test program creation and development environment, concurrent engineering environment, and unit control software. The machine controller acts as the main controller of the tool and is responsible for managing the test drive asset, programming test systems, developing product libraries, and maintaining test data. It is a high-performance, high-availability server platform that provides external access and communication capabilities. The automatic test equipment consists of a variety of components and instruments that perform and monitor the testing of a board-level product in a production environment. These components include, but are not limited to, array testers, pick-and-place machines, functional testers, 3D inspection systems, burn-in racks, and test plans. The development and test program creation environment is used to design, simulate, and debug test programs. It consists of a hardware-based development workbench and a software development environment. The workbench allows engineers to develop and edit printed wiring board (PWB) schematics, build test patterns, and debug test programs directly at the integrated circuit (IC) pin level. The software environment is used to create and configure applications and is also utilized for common process steps such as Selftest (ST), burn-in test (BIT), probe test (PT), stand-alone test (SAT), and loadboard test (LBT). The concurrent engineering environment supports advanced product design and development by providing an integrated platform for the design, qualification, and service of applications and product systems. It consists of a set of tools and technologies for concurrent engineering, prototyping, and qualification. The model also includes a tool which simulates a equipment where products are placed and operated. Lastly, the system control software is responsible for monitoring and controlling the operation of A360 test unit. It also allows for integration of 3rd party test systems and instruments and provides a secure operating machine to prevent unauthorized access to the test tool. In conclusion, A 360 is an advanced, comprehensive and reliable end-of-line final test asset designed for verification of compliance with required performance, safety, and reliability specifications. It is equipped with distributed architecture, hardware and software devices, and model control software. The equipment provides efficient and reliable test results which enable manufacturers to efficiently and reliably comply with customer requirements for quality and reliability.
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