Used TERADYNE Catalyst LC #9100361 for sale

Catalyst LC
ID: 9100361
Vintage: 2000
Tester (4) PLFD (2) PLFS TIME VHFDIG VHFAWG400 (4) PLFDIG MF (2) PLFSRC MF (2) 1M SMEM VHFDIG MF VHFAWG MF (12) UB_APU (6) UB_60V_SRC (8) CDM (16) HSD DTH 2000 vintage.
TERADYNE Catalyst LC is a comprehensive and robust final test equipment that is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, communications, industrial, medical, and aerospace. The system is composed of several major components, which include the Blade Fixture, Prober/Handler, Multi-site Tester, and Application Software. The Blade Fixture is used to secure the test device while performing all necessary testing. It includes linear-on-axis actuators, soldering stations, and an array of mechanical and electrical support features that ensure the test is conducted to spec. The Prober/Handler unit is responsible for gently handling the device during the on-board tests and final device preparation before testing. The Prober/Handler machine has various force-control tools that allow for precise placement of the device on the test platform while keeping it securely in place. This ensures that all tests are conducted in a safe and accurate manner. The Multi-site Tester is the heart of the tool, providing all necessary hardware and software to perform a variety of tests on the device, such as input/output tests, timing analysis, functional tests, and burn-in tests. The Multi-site Tester has two test boards - a asset board and a device test board - on which the device is connected for testing. The model board is used to control the testing environment and transfer data from the device test board. The Application Software helps to control and monitor the testing procedure, delivering detailed reports and providing a real-time view of the test results. It also has various debugging capabilities, such as code analyser and code simulator, providing detailed information on any problems encountered during the test. All of the components are connected via a 2-wire communication method, allowing seamless integration between the components, enabling real-time monitoring, test results analysis, and secure data transfer. Catalyst LC is a comprehensive test equipment that provides a variety of tools and applications to ensure that any device can be tested to the highest spec.
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