Used TERADYNE Flex #9297191 for sale

ID: 9297191
Vintage: 2006
Testers 2006 vintage.
TERADYNE Flex is an advanced final test equipment specifically designed to meet the challenges associated with testing a variety of products. It is a highly flexible and configurable platform with powerful features and an integrated hardware platform that reduces cost and enhances quality. Flex is equipped with a modern Windows® 10 operating system, a powerful Intel Core i9 processor and available high-end speeds of up to 4GHz. The components are placed in an innovative carrier board that offers maximum surface mount technology (SMT) and heat dispersal. It is designed to fit a variety of production environments, and its high-density data acquisition unit (DAS) can extend data handling capabilities beyond test and diagnostics. TERADYNE Flex allows for the creation of custom tester setup configurations using powerful scripting and programming options that allow users to customize the test environment perfectly. The machine's scalability capabilities also extend to the ability to add new test instrumentation and expand its test coverage. Flex enables the testing of multi-processor, multi-core products using multiple simultaneous applications. Its powerful harnessing design allows multiple products to be tested at the same time on the same tester and allows the test engineer to focus on just one product instead of many. TERADYNE Flex's hardware and software architecture is based on open-standard software environments, such as Python, that allow the tool to be easily upgraded and maintained. Its flexibility also extends to its data handling capabilities, allowing it to support a variety of input and output formats. Flex's diagnostic capabilities extend to the ability to quickly detect faults in the asset and diagnose the root cause quickly. Its integrated data capture and visualization tools provide detailed insight into the behavior of a product, allowing for greater fault detection coverage. Overall, TERADYNE Flex is an incredibly powerful and versatile final test model that is designed to efficiently handle the most challenging test requirements. Its advanced features and open-standard software environment make it an ideal choice for high-volume production environments.
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