Used TERADYNE iFlex #9211336 for sale

ID: 9211336
Vintage: 2004
Tester (10) Channel boards (3) DC75 DC30 Manipulator XW8200 Workstation LCD Monitor Computer anthro cart HSD200: Speed: 200 MHz LVM: 6 MB Wide system 2004 vintage.
TERADYNE iFlex is a "final test" equipment used in the electronics industry to ensure quality control on products. It has a flexible design, which allows it to test a wide variety of devices and companies can customize the system to suit their own needs. The unit is designed for high-volume production and features a receptacle indexing machine that switches between devices quickly. The efficient nature of this switch means that costs are kept to a minimum. Additionally, the integral ATE (Automatic Test Equipment) architecture ensures faster throughput and testing. It also allows for various levels of parallelism and customization. The tool also comes loaded with an extensive library of built-in test applications for varying types of tests including high-speed IO testing, functional testing, and temperature-sensing testing. The asset also supports a comprehensive set of automation tools including scripting, FTP, and remote control options. The result is a high level of flexibility to meet the demanding needs of modern device manufacturers. As well as the built-in software, the model also comes with a wide range of diagnostics features. This includes support for multiple product defect detection, and a built-in data logging capability. This ensures that all tests and the resulting defect information is quickly and easily shared with engineers. Additionally, maintenance functions are included which can be used to identify issues with the equipment. The system also utilizes advanced Virtual Test Platform (VTP) technology which enhances the capability of the unit. It allows the user to configure the machine in a real time testing environment using the entire tool's resources. This allows for greater design flexibility by re-using existing test and program optimization techniques. Overall, TERADYNE I-FLEX is a versatile final testing asset that combines high-speed throughput, cost-efficiency, and automation capabilities. It provides the capacity to test a variety of products at high throughput rates. The built-in diagnostic features and maintenance functions ensure that the model remains reliable and easily manageable. Finally, the use of Virtual Test Platform technology adds further flexibility and design control. As a result, the equipment is well-suited to the needs of modern device manufacturers.
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