Used TERADYNE iFlex #9263045 for sale

ID: 9263045
Wafer Size: 12"
CP Testers, 12".
TERADYNE iFlex is a modular, high-speed test equipment used for final test applications. The system consists of a mainframe, Optima test head, Autosense auto-programming and analysis software, and a wide range of carrier boards for device testing. TERADYNE I-FLEX is designed for high throughput, offering high-performance test processing and high speed test capabilities. It supports up to 16 boards with 128 test channels, all in a single 8U chassis. The built-in Flexible Adapter Architecture (FAA) enables 14 times faster test programming, greater accuracy, and easier traceability. The unit supports a wide range of interface technologies such as Serial (SERDES), DDR, PCI, USB, SATA, and many others. The Optima test head is the "brains" of the machine, handling test control and data collection. It features an Advanced Probe Interface (API) which enables test programs to be executed faster and with greater accuracy. The API offers a wide range of advanced features such as an automated scan pattern generator, built-in protocol analyser, programmable logic controller (PLC), and advanced diagnostics. The Autosense module is the heart of the tool, enabling auto-programming and analysis of test results. It includes an onboard real-time simulator for testing in a virtual environment and a graphical scripting language. The Autosense also features Open Test Language (OTL) support, providing a unified environment for developing, executing, and debugging tests. IFlex asset is designed to be highly scalable, with an open architecture that supports a wide range of device testing. It is also designed for low maintenance, offering efficient power and cooling systems as well as intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and remote management capabilities. All in all, I-FLEX is a high-performance, high-throughput final test model that offers accurate data collection and robust automation capabilities. Its high speed processing, scalable design, and intelligent features make it an ideal solution for a wide range of device testing applications.
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