Used TERADYNE J750 EX-HD #293595020 for sale

J750 EX-HD
ID: 293595020
TERADYNE J750 EX-HD is an advanced final test equipment designed to test complex designs. This highly automated system offers complete test coverage including Dynamic Functional Test (DFT) and High-Power Digital Test (HPDT). TERADYNE J750EX-HD is an integrated device-level test unit that provides full functional test at high-speed parallel rates. It benefits from a Windows-based graphical interface which enables efficient programming and easy navigation from the GUI. It is designed with the ability to perform both functional tests and high power tests in parallel. This test machine is flexible enough to accommodate diverse device types, board-level test needs and test scenarios. The tool is powered by a high-performance processor, TERADYNE Innovator II ASIC, which uses advanced 8-bit parallel architecture. This provides the asset with the capacity to apply multiple tests simultaneously, helping to minimize time delays, as well as increase throughput and overall test efficiency. J 750 EX HD is also equipped with a power optimizer feature, which allows the model to quickly switch from high-power cycle tests to low-power circuit tests. This helps to save power and decrease cycle times. It can also be used to reduce product defects. TERADYNE J 750 EX HD also supports a variety of different test media, including burn-in boards and digital test fixtures. Its diagnostic capabilities include a smart sequence controller, which can be used to quickly diagnose and identify faults in the test process. It also supports fault pooling, enabling operators to quickly and accurately identify production faults. J750EX-HD is ideal for both low-volume/high-mix and high-volume/low-mix testing. It supports a wide range of device types and board-level test needs while providing unsurpassed functional coverage and throughput. Its high-speed parallel processor and advanced features make it an excellent choice for any production test requirement.
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