Used TERADYNE J750 EX-HD #293600157 for sale

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J750 EX-HD
ID: 293600157
Tester IGXL KLA / TENCOR Daemon tester HSD800: (16) 64-Pins: 150 MHz (16) 64-Pins: 16 MB LVM.
TERADYNE J750 EX-HD is a Final Test equipment tailored for high-end applications. As part of the latest generation of Boundary Scanners, it uses a versatile modular architecture to provide faster high-density test capabilities on a range of high-performance devices. The system comes with innovative architecture, which provides extra capacity and speed, designed expressly for high-end devices with greater data rates, more I/Os and up to eight times the maximum best-in-class coverage. TERADYNE J750EX-HD connects to individual components or complete PCBs with up to 440 pins with up to 8 channels per device. It is designed with a multi-compartment body, enabling it to use either a cabinet-style or a desk-style overall height and footprint. The unit is also equipped with a reinforced 200-MHz module that contains 512K memory. This provides a high speed of data processing capabilities when compared to previous systems. It is powered by the latest Quad-Core SLI processor and a host of advanced test features, including an internal processor, DDR4 memory, multiple GO/NO-GOtest points, programmable current and voltage measurements, thermal protection, and more. J 750 EX HD offers advanced coverage analysis and additional capabilities such as automated test optimization and auto-calibration. It allows both manual and automated test set-up, integrated thermal analyses, and adjustable test execution. The machine allows testing up to 1000V output settings, 80A test current and 16mΩmeasurement accuracy, making it ideal for testing high-end devices. The tool also provides a number of advanced workflow solutions that optimize the test cycle times and reduce repetitive tasks for both integrated and component level testing. Using the same library for component level and asset level tests, it allows for faster test development, shorter validation times, easier maintenance and access to data. J750 EX-HD is an advanced model that offers ultimate speed and efficiency for final test, high-end device test, and component-level testing applications. It is designed with a versatile architecture to ensure improved productivity and longer product life while optimizing cost of production.
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