Used TERADYNE J971 #9196006 for sale

ID: 9196006
Wafer Size: 8"
Logic testers, 8".
TERADYNE J971 is a final test equipment designed for high speed and high volume test applications, typically used in consumer electronics production lines. The system is designed to be a complete solution for test automation and repair, providing an integrated test process from design through to bare board test, in-circuit test, functional test, and burn-in. The unit consists of a networked suite of components, including the mainframe, I/O controller, test adapter, test head, and head load boards. The mainframe holds the central controller (the CPU) and is the backbone of the machine. It is designed to work with a variety of operating systems, including Linux and Windows. The I/O controller connects the central controller to the other components of the tool. It helps to manage data flow, timing, and power, and is responsible for managing communication between the central controller and other components. The test adapters are modular cards that are used to interface with different types of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) test solutions. There are a variety of test adapter boards available, with different types of connectors for a variety of test solutions. The test heads are test modules that connect to the test adapters and provide ACT (Automated Cache Test) and other test solutions. Finally, the head load boards are used to interface the test solutions to the test head, providing a common interface between the test head and the asset. TERADYNE J 971 is designed to be a flexible and scalable test solution, with high throughput and low cost of ownership. The model can support multiple test modes and has flexible testing strategies. The test modes can range from simple self-test to more complex, multi-stage test solutions. The equipment provides a set of development tools, such as J-971 Development Kit, as well as software APIs and a library of test algorithms, allowing users to create their own custom test solutions. TERADYNE J-971 is designed for a wide range of high volume electronics production lines. It supports a variety of test solutions, including ACT, functional and in-circuit tests, and is capable of testing different board types, such as single-sided, double-sided, and multiple-layer boards. The system is designed with a modular architecture, providing scalability and flexibility for future test requirements. Additionally, the unit provides hardware diagnostics and facilitates remote troubleshooting, helping to minimize downtime. The machine is designed to be energy efficient and supports energy-saving modes for maximum energy efficiency.
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