Used TERADYNE J971 #9399594 for sale
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TERADYNE J971 is a high-performance, fully automated Final Test System platform designed to reduce time-to-market and ensure optimal product quality. It features a modular design, allowing users to integrate different modules such as in-circuit testing, functional test, and product handler applications, into the same platform, making it a rich and powerful tool for device final testing. TERADYNE J 971's In-Circuit Test (ICT) offers increased fault coverage, shortening test time and maximizing accuracy. It employs a device-specific test approach and a comprehensive ICT library, which enables reliable long-term fault coverage even in the toughest test scenarios. This advanced feature is capable of supporting a wide range of device packages, which allows customers to securely test complex boards without the need for extra engineering or costly tooling. J-971's Functional Test (FT) features in-depth testing capabilities, with time saving features such as simultaneous power-on and power-off of boards to check for shorts and opens. It offers advanced capabilities such as fast parametric test scanning, which tests components without programming. This feature combined with the comprehensive FT library and measurement algorithm libraries, allows for comprehensive testing and high accuracy of production results. Furthermore, J971 comes with a dedicated Product Handler, which allows for precise, automated manipulations and control of boards during the tesing process. It is equipped with vibration and shock sensors that monitor handling accuracy and precision, enabling users to quickly detect and diagnose production problems. To further simplify operations, TERADYNE J-971 is equipped with remote management, allowing the system to be monitored and maintained remotely. A powerful software suite, the Inspectomat Application Suite, offers an intuitive, graphical user interface and powerful diagnostics and debugging capabilities, allowing users to reach deeper insights of their final test process. Overall, J 971 Final Test System is a powerful, robust, and versatile tool for device final testing. Its integrated platform featuring In-Circuit Test, Functional Test, and Product Handler, combined with powerful software and remote access capabilities, provides users with a powerful and reliable tool for achieving the highest levels of quality in their production cycles.
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