Used TERADYNE MicroFlex #9096728 for sale

ID: 9096728
Vintage: 2004-2005
Tester (4)HSD200 or (2)HSD200+(2)BBAC MP936 manipulator Workstation: DSM 2004-2005 vintage.
TERADYNE MicroFlex is a high-end test automation equipment designed to support high-volume, large-scale digital final testing applications. It is a flexible, multi-function system that simplifies the entire digital testing process, from test program creation to product traceability to test results reporting and analysis. MicroFlex unit features three core components for effective test automation: a no-touch, integrated program-building environment; a multi-function tester with high-throughput socketing technology; and a flexible, high-speed processor. The no-touch program-building environment is a powerful software tool that leverages existing EDA tools to rapidly create and edit test programs. It features program templates for a variety of test program types, including IEEE 1149.1/JTAG boundary scan, in-circuit testing, and DC characterization. With these templates, users can easily develop tests that conform to the highest quality standards. The second component of the machine is a multi-function, 20-plus-channel tester with high-throughput socketing technology. This feature allows customers to test multiple digital devices at once, enabling them to reduce costs, improve yield, and reduce test times. The tester also features advanced testing algorithms and control schemes to ensure that it can identify subtle failures and accurately measure device performance under a wide variety of conditions. Finally, the processor is designed with easy-to-use, integrated software that facilitates the storage and retrieval of test data. It also provides users with a variety of data reporting options that make it easy to identify trends, estimate the yield rate, and identify potential problems in the manufacture of their products. TERADYNE MicroFlex test automation tool is the ideal final test solution for high-volume, high-performance digital applications. Its powerful program-building tools, multi-function tester, and flexible processor make it easy to create, store, and retrieve test data, ensuring that products meet even the most stringent quality standards.
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