Used TERADYNE RF UltraFlex #9190964 for sale

RF UltraFlex
ID: 9190964
Vintage: 2008
Tester 2008 vintage.
TERADYNE RF UltraFlex is a final test equipment capable of testing wireless communications devices, including cellular phones, tablets, and wireless home entertainment systems. This test system consists of an array of Receiver and Transmitter (Rx/Tx) modules that work together to create a robust and flexible automated testing solution. The unit is designed to meet the needs of high-volume production and automated test environments, providing a fast and cost-effective way to test wireless products. The machine is based on a distributed architecture, allowing for the simultaneous testing of multiple product configurations. This eliminates manual intervention for product configuration changes, shortening product set-up times and streamlining the test process. The tool also provides a number of automated features that improve throughput and maximize production efficiency. These include an auto-calibration feature that quickly adjusts test configurations for optimum performance, and a built-in batch test feature that enables long-duration tests and eliminates redundant manual set-up activities. RF UltraFlex offers a comprehensive suite of tools for evaluating product performance. These include electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analyzers for verification of device-level and asset-level compliance; spectral analyzers for signal strength and interference measurements; signal-level monitoring tools for eye diagrams and EVM measurements; device testing tools to check for compliance, functionality, and operation; and modulation and wireless access test suites to evaluate model performance and power consumption. The equipment also provides built-in support for a number of industry test standards, including Bluetooth, WiFi, and Zigbee. This ensures that the test system is compatible with a wide range of existing product designs, and helps reduce design cycles by eliminating the need to develop new test cases for each device variant. Overall, TERADYNE RF UltraFlex is an ideal solution for automated test of any electronic device that communicates via wireless signals. Its fast setup times, distributed architecture, and comprehensive feature set make it well suited for high-volume production environments. Its support for industry test standards ensures compatibility with existing product designs, while its suite of analysis tools helps to ensure product compliance and performance.
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