Used TERADYNE T347C #9218550 for sale

ID: 9218550
System Spare parts included.
TERADYNE T347C is a high-performance, high-capacity final test equipment. It is designed for medium to large volume production applications, providing production output rates up to 60 UPH (units per hour). The system is composed of a number of interconnected subsystems, including a robotic loader, a vision unit, a placement machine, a test tool, and handling equipment. The robotic loader is responsible for unloading, routing, and loading PC boards. The vision asset performs a board-level inspection of all components and manages their placement. The placement model uses a precision vision equipment to accurately locate and route components to their desired location. The test system, which consists of a controller unit, diagnostic processor, and a number of test tip fixtures, is responsible for testing each component. This is done by measuring the electrical characteristics of each component, such as voltage, current, and capacitance. Finally, the handling equipment is responsible for removing foreign object debris, routing completed boards to the next stage, and ensuring the unit is free from contamination. T347C is a highly reliable and robust machine. Its design meets the requirements of many of the industry's toughest standards. It is rated with low failure rates, meaning that the tool is less prone to breakdowns and malfunctions. This asset also features an auto-diagnostics model, allowing users to quickly troubleshoot any issues with their equipment. TERADYNE T347C can also allow users to customize their setup to meet their individual needs. For example, the system's test unit can be programmed to test a wide variety of components, such as digital, analog, and high-speed signals. In addition, the machine can be tailored to meet the needs of high yield, automated production lines. In conclusion, T347C is a reliable, high-performance, and versatile final test tool. Its customizability, reliability, and award-winning design make it an ideal choice for medium to large volume production applications.
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