Used TERADYNE Tiger #9022689 for sale

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ID: 9022689
Tester, 2004 vintage.
TERADYNE Tiger is a scalable, high-performance drug board final test system designed by TERADYNE. It is capable of testing complex devices, as well as simpler consumer products, with high accuracy and speed. The system has been designed to improve NPI and production yields, as well as increase throughput and product quality. Tiger is highly flexible and configurable, with an architecture designed for maximum speed and scalability. It offers an unique combination of floating point, integer, and logic subsystems, allowing accurate measurements of several parameters simultaneously. Its built-in hardware accelerator core provides an additional boost when dealing with demanding signal integrity measurements. TERADYNE Tiger is also equipped with sophisticated tools to monitor and manage the test process. It offers a comprehensive suite of data analysis solutions, including real-time information, stored results, and statistical analysis. In addition, Tiger supports programmable automation logic to increase productivity and reduce downtime and cost. TERADYNE Tiger is highly scalable and can be used with single or multiple test boards, as well as with multiple or single test programs. It is compatible with a wide variety of boards and is capable of supporting up to 16 independent can, CPLD, and test programs. Its modular design allows for easy maintenance and customization. Tiger offers an advanced interface for both operators and engineers. It is compatible with most of the existing test development frameworks and several CAD/EDA software packages for PC and Linux. This is ideal for those who are constantly switching between test environments. TERADYNE Tiger is applicable for industries requiring final test for their products, such as the automotive, military, aerospace, and industrial sectors. The unique combination of features offered by Tiger architecture make it a suitable choice for a wide range of applications. As well as providing reliable final test, the system can be used to perform power-on self-test, line-rate tests, and functional tests.
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