Used TERADYNE UltraFlex HD #293658909 for sale

UltraFlex HD
ID: 293658909
Testers (2) UP1600 HexVS.
TERADYNE UltraFlex HD is a final test equipment designed to help electronics manufacturers test and verify their products quickly and accurately to ensure quality. The system is built to maximize efficiency and minimize the cost of test and verification. The HD is a fully automated unit that provides high-level test coverage, quickly and efficiently checking for defects and verifying product functionality. TERADYNE ULTRAFLEX-HD is a scalable machine that can accommodate from 4 - to 96 or more tester modules, providing flexibility and scalability to meet the expanding requirements of electronics manufacturers. The tool supports a wide range of application requirements, including high-density SMT, mixed technology, leadless packages, matrix testing, PGA and BGA devices, as well as 0201 and other small ICs. The asset also supports a variety of test technologies, including direct in-circuit testing (ICT), boundary scan (JTAG), functional test, RF testing, 3-wire serial testing, and a variety of software-controlled testing processes. ULTRA FLEX HD also includes programmable analog and digital test capabilities, which provides customers with the ability to program and customize tests to meet their unique application requirements. The model also includes high-speed contactors, allowing customers to quickly move between sites on the board and increase overall board throughput. UltraFlex HD is designed for reliability and has been designed and tested to ensure minimal downtime and repair costs to customers. The equipment includes built in redundancy features to ensure that the system is running as efficiently as possible, with dual power supplies and dual CPUs for increased reliability. The unit also features a comprehensive monitoring machine that provides real-time feedback of tool health and performance, helping to proactively diagnose and fix any potential problems before they become an issue. The asset also includes integrated process control features such as fail and re-test thresholds, test yield reporting, and process optimization. Finally, ULTRAFLEX-HD includes an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it easy to use and configure the model. With the GUI, users can easily customize the equipment to their specific needs and monitor performance of the system in real-time. Overall, TERADYNE ULTRA FLEX HD is a high-quality final testing unit with a wide range of features that make it highly customizable and suitable for any electronics manufacturers' needs. It is reliable, efficient, and cost-effective, making it the perfect machine for ensuring product quality and verifying product functionality for electronics companies.
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