Used TERADYNE UltraFlex HD #9161854 for sale

UltraFlex HD
ID: 9161854
Vintage: 2009
SOC Test system Quantity Description Part number (1) UltraFLEX HD (12slot) 810-712-00 (1) UltraPin800 600-485-00 (1) HSD800-128 DSSC LIC IN-267-00 (1) HSD800-128 200MBS DATA RATE LIC IN-261-02 (1) HSD800-128 16M Pattern depth license IN-262-01 (1) HSD1000 979-331-22 (1) DSSC IN-124-80 (1) 16M Pattern depth IN-316-00 (1) 1000 MBPS Speed IN-141-10 (1) DCIO 979-390-00 (1) DC30 979-217-30 (1) HDVS 979-495-00 (24) HDVS Channels IN-403-00 (1) VHFAC 810-982-00 (1) VHFAC Source high speed license IN-160-15 (1) VHFAC Capture high speed license IN-161-15 (1) ULTRAWAVE 12G 814-641-00 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G MW Synthesizer LO 814-643-00 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G MW Synthesizer DR 814-644-00 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, On-board dual AWG IN-251-04 (1) ULTRAWAVE, Low phase noise DUT REF IN-251-05 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, 16 Universal RF ports IN-250-02 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, 2ND Receiver license IN-250-03 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, 2ND Receiver license IN-250-03 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, Noise source IN-250-06 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G, 1-Port VNA IN-250-07 (1) ULTRAWAVE12G Splitter assembly (SC) 814-650-00 (1) Wireless modulation TLKT IN-911-00 (1) XW8400 System computer, ULTRAFLEX 814-602-01 (1) 12SLT Dual processor DSP 979-223-10 (1) Assembly docking plate engineering 979-230-01 (1) 32 Bit parallel port interface 810-523-00 (1) Integration kit, ULTRAFLEX MC, Standard manipulator, MP4XP 979-528-20 (1) ULTRAFLEX MC, FF MP4XP Manipulator 819-085-00 (1) Testhead docking IF, IPD, and OPD, UF24 979-230-00 (1) Kit, Custom handle I/F UFHD AKM 455-800-23 Test head: Slot Name Part number 2 Ultrawave measure board 805-041-00 6 DCIO Board 974-390-02 10 Ultrawave synth ref board 805-044-00 12 VHFAC Board 805-014-00 14 HSD-I Board 974-242-10 16 HSD-M Board 974-331-44 18 DC30 Board 974-217-30 20 HDVS Board 974-232-00 22 Ultrawave synth Lo board 805-043-00 24 Support board 974-221-03 24 XGEM Board(On support board) 956-364-00 Cabinet: Slot Name Part number - DSP Computer 361-942-04 Connected: Handler 2009 vintage.
TERADYNE UltraFlex HD Final Test Equipment is a comprehensive, high-end, multi-functional test and measurement platform designed for the reliable and repeatable high-speed testing of digital devices. It is a complete, powerful, cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for manual testing while providing the highest levels of test coverage, diagnostics, and performance. TERADYNE ULTRAFLEX-HD platform is based on a classic modular architecture. It integrates the high-end Digital Systems (DSx) and the innovative Digital Vector Generator (DVG) platforms. It offers a variety of hardware, software, and interface options to meet the needs of both low-speed and high-speed testing. Test engineers can design their own test programs or leverage the platform's library of predefined test applications. At the hardware core of the platform lies detection and control sub-systems, in combination with an array of analog and digital instruments to facilitate labeling and logic control. The platform features a versatile architecture and is highly configurable, with extraordinary power and scalability. By integrating the Digital Systems and Digital Vector Generator platforms, ULTRA FLEX HD Final Test System is capable of providing high speed fault analysis and test coverage of multi-input devices. Built-in Test Point (BTP) technology offers basic and advanced capabilities of DC parametric testing, including current and voltage measurements, while powerful vector generator capabilities allow ultra-high speed scannability, testing and debugging of complex or critical devices. The unit also features built-in graphical software interfaces to streamline the test program development process. The graphical views of I/O and memory components improve user readability and reduce test program debug time. TERADYNE ULTRA FLEX HD Final Test Machine also comes with an intuitive operator interface for easy navigation and control functions. Overall, ULTRAFLEX-HD Final Test Tool is a comprehensive, powerful, and cost-effective solution for efficient and repeatable high-speed testing. It eliminates manual testing and provides unparalleled coverage, diagnostics, and performance to enable the rapid and reliable testing of digital devices.
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