Used TERADYNE UltraFlex #9361501 for sale

ID: 9361501
Vintage: 2018
Tester HSDU RF24 UPAC80 DC07 2018 vintage.
TERADYNE UltraFlex is an automated final test equipment designed to streamline production processes by providing high speed and accuracy testing of electronic components and systems. It can be set up in a variety of different configurations depending on the specific needs of the production environment and can be utilized to test a wide range of products ranging from small integrated circuits to full-sized systems. TERADYNE ULTRA FLEX system works by feeding components into a transfer station where they are loaded into test fixtures or probes. These fixtures allow for a variety of tests to be performed on the components including electrical measurements, power integrity measurements and signal simulation. The components can then either be passed onto the next step in the assembly process or rejected depending on the results of the tests. One of the major advantages of the unit is its speed of operation, with the test fixtures capable of handling over 10,000 components per hour. This provides manufacturers with quick-turn capabilities as well as reduced cycle times. This is achieved by intelligent logic and an overall reduction in downtime caused by delays in the testing process. UltraFlex runs on a Windows-based operating machine and has the capability to upload, download and store test information. It is also completely compatible with TERADYNE AccuTest software, giving users access to a wide range of engineering and programming tools. Furthermore, the tool can be integrated with other TERADYNE equipment allowing users to benefit from additional automated features. Overall, ULTRA FLEX final test asset provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for manufacturers as it reduces testing time and increases test accuracy. The model offers a wide range of customization options meaning it can be tailored to individual production requirements. In addition, its intuitive software and user-friendly design makes it an attractive option for ease of use and overall performance.
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