Used DELTA DESIGN Castle #293591657 for sale

ID: 293591657
Vintage: 2005
Handler 2005 vintage.
DELTA DESIGN Castle is a handler with a back-end REST API that allows software developers to create and deploy applications quickly, securely, and scalably. It enables developers to focus on the client-side development of their mobile, web, and artificial intelligence applications, which allows them to explore new technologies and services without incurring significant setup costs or having to learn additional technical skills. The platform offers a secure, self-managed, end-to-end infrastructure, allowing developers to rapidly spin up a web service instance and connect it to their application using secure authentication. The flexible architecture of Castle is designed to be scalable and can easily accommodate application growth. It supports multiple frameworks such as Node.js, Java, and PHP, and comes bundled with configuration parameters to ease the setup and deployment of applications. It can also run applications written in any programming language, as long as the language environment is properly configured. As a result, developers can easily deploy their applications, regardless of their technical expertise. DELTA DESIGN Castle offers a number of features to help developers build secure applications. First, the platform uses AES-256 encryption to secure application data, ensuring that all data transmissions are sent between the server and the client are secure. Additionally, Castle supports HTTPS encryption to keep data secure and private when it is transferred from the server to a user's browser. It also provides role-based access management, allowing developers to segment user access levels across devices and applications. Security is also strengthened through the combination of automated threat detection and Cloud Firewalls. This further limits access to the application layer by unauthorized users. In addition, the platform offers two-factor authentication to help ensure that users accessing your application have the proper authorization. Lastly, DELTA DESIGN Castle provides 24/7 customer support, so developers can quickly address any issues they may encounter. Overall, Castle is a powerful and secure handler that can provide developers with the fast and easy deployment of their applications. It offers various features that help ensure security, scalability, and customer support. This allows developers to quickly deploy applications and explore new technologies, while relieving the burden of additional technical skills and setup costs.
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