Used DELTA DESIGN Matrix #9192000 for sale
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ID: 9192000
Vintage: 2010
Test handler
Tri-temperature: -55C to +125C
Input / Sorts:
(7) Automated tray stacks
(3) Manual trays in pullout drawer
Test site: 1x to 32x
Pitch-X / Y: 32 mm up to 80 mm
Horizontal docking
Plunge force: 181 kgf
Vision alignment:
Location accuracy: ± 40 μm
Rotation accuracy: ± 0.2°
Index time:
1x to 4x: 550 msec
8x: 630 msec
16x: 800 msec
Standard: 10,000 uph
Jam rate:
Ambient-hot: 1 in 10,000 units
Cold: 1 in 5,000 units
Auto restest
Load / Unload: Continuous
Temperature range:
Ambient to +155ºC
Chamber less tri-temperature test site
Active thermal control per site
Accuracy: ±2.0°C
After kit-specific calibration: ±1.0°C
Per site temp stability: ±0.5°C
Soak capacity: (3) Trays
Loadboard compatibility (X / Y pitch)
Docking height: 990 to 1,178 mm
Parallel, RS 232, GPIB and P849
ESD Control:
Decay: 5 Sec
Balance: 35 V
User interface: Windows-based color touchscreen
Power requirements: 200-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3 Phase, 30 A
CE Marked
Currently installed
2010 vintage.
DELTA DESIGN Matrix (DDM) is a model-based software development tool that enables the development of solutions to engineering problems quickly. It is used to build wind turbines, solar cells, electric vehicles, as well as many more solutions. The DDM is an integrated equipment that combines a structured approach to problem solving with a flexible approach to developing an appropriate solution. It can be used to choose the best techniques for solving engineering problems from a wide range of options. The DDM consists of three main elements: (1) a graphical modeling language, (2) a numerical synthesis engine and (3) a hierarchical analysis technique. The graphical modeling language is based on the existing industry-standard Unified Modeling Language (UML), which allows clear and concise representation of system requirements. The numerical synthesis engine is able to generate a symbolically represented unit description in a form compatible with the graphical modeling language, as well as translate the graphical representations into a numerical analysis platform. Finally, the hierarchical analysis technique is used to prioritize the engineering design goals. The DDM is a powerful tool that can be used to develop solutions that are robust, cost-effective, and easy to implement. It has been used extensively for developing wind turbine and electric vehicle solutions. The DDM enables quick analysis of the machine architecture and design for optimization of design parameters, enabling improved design solutions. The DDM works by first collecting and analyzing the available problem and solution specifications. Then the design goals need to be established. These goals are linked through a hierarchical analysis technique to identify their relative importance. In the next step, a graphical modeling language is used to capture the tool requirements. Once the required information is gathered, a numerical synthesis engine is used to generate a symbolically represented asset description. These descriptors can be used to generate a list of applicable design rules that will result in the desired design. This information is used to compare the configuration options and decide which is the most cost-effective and efficient for the problem or solution. Finally, the model is tested to ensure that the design rules have been properly applied and to also ensure that the equipment works as expected. The DDM incorporates flexibility in the design process, allowing different problems and solutions to be solved with the same approach. Additionally, the DDM can be used to evaluate the performance of different systems and components in different conditions. In conclusion, the DDM is an efficient model-based software development tool that enables engineers to quickly develop solutions for engineering problems. It combines a graphical modeling language, numerical synthesis engine, and hierarchical analysis technique to analyze and evaluate the system problems and develop the best solution. The DDM is a powerful and comprehensive method that will enable engineers to develop robust, effective, and cost-efficient design solutions.
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