Used SEIKO / EPSON NS 6040 #9160561 for sale

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NS 6040
ID: 9160561
Vintage: 2003
Handler Heads: Open / Close / Rotate Dual temperature Quad site Operating system: Windows 2000 2003 vintage.
SEIKO / EPSON NS 6040 is a high-speed, single-pass barcode label handler. This handler is designed with a high throughput capability, providing users with fast and reliable speeds for production applications. It includes a built-in motor that can reach speeds of up to 300 inches per second (IPS). The handler also offers optional print speeds up to 12" per second, enabling users to control the timing of print and scan cycles. This adds to its efficiency in creating labels or tags quickly and efficiently. SEIKO NS 6040 includes a dynamic bar code reader (BCR) and a high-speed image scanner. The BCR captures and decodes linear bar codes, including Code 39, Code 128, and UPC-A. An integrated image scanner enables enhanced printing capabilities, and combines with the BCR for high throughput rates. EPSON NS6040 is designed with an adjustable high-grade linear-bearings design and ensures consistently accurate label placement. It is provided with an advanced programming interface for better efficiency and flexibility. Programming time is significantly reduced due to the ability to program in three languages: English, Japanese, and German. This handler also features enhanced control capabilities and even provides feedback from its sensors concerning labels, blockages and more. NS 6040 also comes with a powerful firmware that runs on a 32-bit processor and a customizable toolkit to customize programs. For improved performance, it also includes a DHCP server and an Ethernet connection. In conclusion, NS6040 is a high-speed single-pass bar code label handler that includes an integrated motor and optional print speeds of up to 12" per second. It is designed with a dynamic bar code reader, a high-speed image scanner, an adjustable linear bearing design, an advanced programming interface and a powerful firmware. All of these features make SEIKO / EPSON NS6040 an efficient system that provides reliable and accurate labels quickly.
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