Used SRM XD 248 #293592361 for sale
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SRM XD 248 is a handler specifically designed to manage mission critical storage and recovery processes, by providing software-driven storage and recovery of data. It is suited for organizations that require the highest availability, reliability, and scalability in storage, while dramatically reducing resource utilization costs. XD 248 enables the effective storage and protection of critical application data assets with extensive high-performance options and functionality. SRM XD 248 is a very robust storage and recovery application, enabling multiple tasks to be implemented at once. It is a powerful file-based data protection and recovery solution, providing advanced features for safeguarding a wide variety of information assets, including automotive, aerospace, and advanced engineering. XD 248 provides fast throughput performance, providing a complete solution from proactive storage and encryption to proactive recovery of critical data. SRM XD 248 features adaptive deduplication technology, to give users the highest performance levels for data handling, saving resources and time. It can protect data quickly and efficiently, and supports mining and cataloging of the stored records. Additionally, it supports live-delivery of stored data, ensuring that the data is always available. It also supports replication of data across multiple storage locations, which can protect against any data loss in the event of a disaster. XD 248 also offers granular control over data retention policies and settings, to help make sure that critical information remains secure and protected. SRM XD 248 is a highly secure and reliable storage and recovery solution, reinforcing data with strong authentication and encryption measures. It includes support for authentication protocols such as Active Directory and Bcrypt, and encryption protocols including AES-128, AES-256, and CTCP-2. XD 248 is equipped with the necessary measures to provide additional layers of security to protect applications and data against malicious attacks. It also supports biometrics and facial recognition, providing additional layers of security against potential attacks. Finally, SRM XD 248 features comprehensive monitoring and reporting features to help administrators quickly and accurately manage their data. Additionally, XD 248 provides an intuitive user interface, making it easy to configure and access the data that is stored using the solution. All of these features together make SRM XD 248 an excellent choice for organizations looking for a comprehensive storage and recovery solution.
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