Used SRM XD 248 #9315492 for sale
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SRM XD 248 is an industrial-grade handler designed for high-precision applications. The device is robust and offers a number of features to ensure precise operation. The device has a compact and durable design, featuring an externally-mounted positioner that provides an adjustable range of movement to accommodate a variety of objects and workpieces. It also features an Internal Reversible Motor that provides powerful and precise force. The handler is equipped with an optional Joystick Modulation System to allow for smooth, easy operation. Additionally, an optional fiberglass shaft serves as a guide for accurate alignment. The device has a wide range of connectivity options, including Ethernet, USB2.0, RS232, and discrete IO. This allows for easy integration with practically any equipment or software package. It also features a range of safety features, such as a Soft and Hard Limit Switch, which provides an extra layer of protection in the event of overloading or unexpected movement. XD 248 Handler is well-suited for precision applications such as robotics, medical equipment and measurement systems. With its precision motor and adjustable range of movement, it offers an optimal solutions for time-critical, demanding operations. In terms of performance, SRM XD 248 provides high levels of accuracy and repeatability. Its precise positioning capabilities make it suitable for a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and electronics. Overall, XD 248 is a robust and reliable industrial grade handler suitable for a variety of applications. Thanks to its numerous safety features, adjustable range of movement, and range of connectivity options, it offers precise, reliable performance.
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