Used AXCELIS Optima MD #9377001 for sale

ID: 9377001
Ion implanter, 12" 2007 vintage.
AXCELIS Optima MD ion implanter is the world's most advanced ion implanter and monitor. It is designed to provide enhanced productivity, and improved yield and cost performance. This highly sophisticated tool offers high throughput capabilities and powerful process control. Optima MD offers high acceleration voltage and high beam current for superior implant results. Its advanced end-station power supply ensures that the dose uniformity is always maintained for the most demanding applications. The compact design allows for maximum uptime and flexibility even in the most limited spaces. AXCELIS Optima MD also offers a unique monitor equipment that features the patented Pro-Monitor™ system, which constantly monitors the process parameters and can detect process shifts, in order to make sure that the device outputs repeatable, high-quality implants. Optima MD is designed for ultra-high productivity and the highest of process reproducibility. AXCELIS Optima MD's unique process control unit provides continuous process monitoring to detect any process instability. This machine provides superior sputter yield and improved particle control, enabling the device to produce the most precise implanting process. Optima MD is equipped with the latest technology in ion beam diagnostic tools, including the Opticore™ electrical current monitor and the Modemission™ beam shape monitor. These advanced tools enable faster turnaround times and improved process control. Finally, AXCELIS Optima MD offers true plug-and-play capability, allowing for quick set-up and implementations. The user-friendly operating tool combined with the comprehensive suite of diagnostic and process software guarantee a smooth integration into any given environment. The user interface allows for easy navigation and understanding of the implantation parameters. In summary, Optima MD is an advanced ion implanter with superior process control capabilities, high throughput, and excellent implant uniformity. Its various diagnostic tools are designed to detect any process instabilities for quicker response and improved product yield. Additionally, users can enjoy the plug-and-play capabilities and user-friendly interface of AXCELIS Optima MD.
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