Used FEI Strata 235 #293644641 for sale

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Strata 235
ID: 293644641
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) system No EDS LMIS.
FEI Strata 235 is a focused ion beam (FIB) equipment. It is used for nanoscale fabrication and analysis of materials, ranging from electrical and electronic components to biomaterials. Strata 235 combines high-resolution imaging and deposition capabilities with precision ion milling capabilities, allowing it to achieve nanometer resolution. FEI Strata 235 is built around an ultra-high vacuum chamber that is capable of sustaining pressures as low as 10-7mbar. Inside the vacuum chamber, a beam of ions can be focused, allowing for precise deposition and etching of materials. The ions used in the system are gallium ions, which are particularly suited for the types of nano-engineering applications for which Strata 235 is designed. The unit operates using a "raster" method which scribes the desired pattern on the sample using a beam of focused gallium ions. By controlling the voltage of the gallium ions, and scanning the beam across the sample surface, the user can create patterns with high resolution in the range of nanometers. FEI Strata 235 is also equipped with an energy filtering machine that filters out ions of undesired energy, thus providing a high degree of precision when patterning samples. With its tight focusing capabilities, Strata 235 allows users to etch and deposit materials at resolutions of less than 200 nanometers. The tool also features an electrically biased stage, allowing for patterning onto samples with nonconductive surfaces. Additionally, FEI Strata 235's positioning accuracy is better than one nanometer, allowing for precise alignment of deposited materials. This makes the asset especially suited for the micro-machining of complex three-dimensional structures. Finally, Strata 235 can be equipped with an optional backside-imaging model, allowing for patterning of samples on the reverse of the stage. This makes it possible to fabricate and analyze samples from multiple directions. Overall, FEI Strata 235 is a highly capable equipment with a wide range of capabilities that make it suitable for a number of nano-engineering applications. Strata 235's tight focusing capabilities allow users to mill and deposit materials down to resolutions of less than 200 nanometers, while its backside imaging capabilities provide additional flexibility for reverse-side patterning. With its high degree of accuracy and repeatability, FEI Strata 235 is well-suited for a wide range of nano-engineering applications.
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