Used VEECO / DEKTAK RF 350 #9235881 for sale

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RF 350
ID: 9235881
Ion Beam Etcher (IBE) P/N: 9903-169-01 With manual loader system Upgraded hard drives MIT Dry transformer, 190M LEYBOLD 100 Dry vacuum pump LEYBOLD Trivac D65B pump MZ-2T Pump FC1600T Chiller.
VEECO / DEKTAK RF 350 is a high-precision automated ion milling equipment, designed to produce ultra-thin substrates for a variety of applications. The system integrates advanced features such as automated sample preparation, ion gun and/or etch components, and control electronics. This allows for precise control of milling angles, beam energies, and exposure durations, allowing for unparalleled precision in producing ultra-thin substrates. The substrate is mounted in the machine and a lithography custom-made mask is placed over the substrate. A beam of ions, finely focused down to a point-like spot, is generated from the ion gun. This beam then bombards the substrate in a series of precisely formed angles that are calibrated to mill the substrate at the desired plane. As the ions hit the substrate, they etch away at its surface, allowing for the geometry of the desired part to be achieved. Ion energy and beam deflection are finely adjusted, in order to control the speed and accuracy of the milling process. VEECO RF 350's ion gun can produce alternative etch rate materials, such as metals and even silicon, as well as specialty ion gun components and etch components (cathode, shield and/or extractor). In addition, the unit is able to regulate the temperature of the chamber and its environment, allowing for precise environmental control to reduce the effects of diffusion of the ion beam. The substrates can be cut with high accuracy and precision to produce the desired pattern. DEKTAK RF 350 can also be integrated into a cassette-to-cassette machine for processing multiple substrates simultaneously. This further enhances the overall accuracy and efficiency of the cutting process. The combination of advanced features, precise control, and flexibility make RF 350 an ideal choice for performing ion milling on a variety of substrates with the highest levels of precision. Its accuracy, speed, and quality make it an excellent choice for those in need of robust, high-quality ultra-thin substrates.
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