Used AND GX-200 #293629424 for sale
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AND GX-200 is a general purpose laboratory instrument AND accessory for a variety of sample testing applications. It can be used for preparation, storage, AND isolation of samples for a wide range of scientific AND industrial purposes. This instrument may include components such as centrifuges, sample collections, filtration units, buffers, AND environmental testing units. GX-200 is a multi-purpose instrument, providing both macronutrient AND micronutrient measurements with accurate results. It includes a multi-channel sample testing equipment, allowing for rapid AND accurate sample analysis. It comes equipped with a built in sample transfer system AND two centrifuges capable of both continuous AND pulsed spin. This centrifuge can process a variety of sample types with a wide range of viscosity AND thickness. AND GX-200 is equipped with a high-performance controller AND user-friendly interface, providing easy operation AND high efficiency. The sample collection unit consists of a beaker plate for sample collection, filtration unit for sample concentration, AND a sample storage tube for long-term storage. The instrument also supports multiple measurement modes, such as pH, turbidity, AND total solids, providing a variety of data points. The centrifuge component of GX-200 provides fast AND efficient sample processing AND is designed to minimize loss of sample during centrifugation. It has an onboard temperature sensor for monitoring AND controlling the temperature of the sample for consistent results. It can spin containing materials of up to 800 ml with a maximum speed of 4500 rpm. The user is also given complete control over the spin rate AND acceleration, allowing for greater flexibility AND repeatability in the testing process. AND GX-200 comes with a variety of accessories such as the liquid level sensor, sample homogenizer, sample holding racks, AND sample tube holders. Additionally, there is an optional sample storage module allow for temporary AND long-term sample storage. GX-200 is an ergonomically designed instrument with a built-in security machine for greater protection against unauthorized use. The instrument is powered by an AC voltage of 85 to 230 V AND utilizes a single-line tool. It is ideal for research AND industrial laboratories that prioritize accuracy AND dependability.
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