Used APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti #293615477 for sale

ID: 293615477
Vintage: 2010
96-Well thermal cycler 2010 vintage.
APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti is a dynamic, modular equipment designed to provide researchers with reliable performance and ultimate flexibility for their molecular biology needs. It is comprised of a range of devices such as sharps, incubators, thermal cyclers, and imaging systems that are optimized for use with the Life Technologies GeneAmp polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems. This comprehensive system is designed to provide everything needed for sample preparation and quantitative analysis in one integrated unit. Veriti machine is composed of a variety of core components and models that are designed to increase accuracy and throughput while providing maximum flexibility and intuitive controls. The core components of the tool are APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti sharps, Veriti incubators, APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti thermal cyclers, and Veriti imaging systems. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti sharps are laboratory instruments that are optimized to safely and quickly process multiple samples in parallel. The incubators enhance the uniformity of temperature in sample tubes and provide precise incubation times. The thermal cyclers offer precise temperature control and are capable of efficiently running multiple PCR setups. Finally, the imaging systems allow researchers to monitor, analyze, and quantify the sample under study. Veriti Asset is designed around four key elements that enable the user to obtain maximum efficiency, flexibility, and reliability. The first is the sample preparation and quantitation, which simplifies the process of sample preparation and quantitation and eliminates the need for laborious manual procedures. The second is the thermal control, which ensures that samples are heated and cooled safely and accurately. The third element is the PCR amplification, which allows researchers to rapidly produce thousands of copies of a sample DNA sequence, an essential tool for genetic research. The last element is the imaging, which enables users to visualize and analyze the sample quickly, efficiently, and accurately. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS Veriti Model provides researchers with a comprehensive, comprehensive solution that can be tailored to meet their specific needs. The robust design makes it suitable for use in nearly any laboratory, and the versatility and intuitive operability enable researchers to maximize their sample preparation and quantitation capabilities. Additionally, the broad range of models, platforms, and accessories guarantee that the user will have the right solution for their specific application. Veriti is a flexible and reliable equipment that will provide consistent results to any laboratory and research application.
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