Used BECKMAN COULTER AU400 #293638479 for sale

ID: 293638479
Chemistry analyzers.
BECKMAN COULTER AU400 is a versatile, high quality laboratory equipment and accessories specifically designed for clinical laboratories. It is a fully automated, multi-channeled clinical chemistry analyzer with a unique menu of specialty tests and superior levels of technology. Its advanced features include multiple-reaction-monitoring, improved sample-loading capacity, high-sample-throughput capability with multiple assay configurations, precise analytical performance and quality control through built-in monitoring systems. It also has an extensive range of consumables, calibrators and cultures, necessary for efficient and accurate measurements. The analytical modules of AU400 are capable of performing various types of assays, such as serum and whole blood, lipid, electrolyte, endocrinology, and fractionation. Its superior analytical results can be obtained within minutes and allow laboratory staff to make rapid and accurate decisions of patient's conditions. The sample loading equipment of BECKMAN COULTER AU400 can handle two different types of sample tubes and has the capacity to hold up to sixteen tubes. Additionally, its fully automated sample storage provides optimal sample safety and flexibility. AU400 includes a built-in maintenance system that ensures optimum performance including continuous monitoring of all subsystem performance in real time. This unit provides timely error detection and diagnostic capabilities to address the needs of any laboratory. Its reliable results are achieved through dedicated quality control programs. Its innovative menu of specialty tests is particularly helpful in diagnosing specific conditions. The advanced features in BECKMAN COULTER AU400 also include a self-contained machine for interactive calibration management. This tool guarantees precision, accuracy, and optimal performance through the use of dedicated calibrators, reagents, and procedures. Furthermore, the analyte concentration is measured in full-scale with greater accuracy and reliability through the use of internal quality standards. This asset increases the overall performance of the model due to its improved sensitivity and reliability. AU400 is an ideal choice for laboratories who demand precision and accuracy in their diagnostic tests. Its versatile testing menu, superior analytical performance, and reliable results make it the perfect choice for hospitals and clinical laboratories. With its high-quality performance, components, and support services, BECKMAN COULTER AU400 is surely a recommended choice for laboratory personnel.
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