Used CS BIO 939 #9096323 for sale

CS BIO 939
ID: 9096323
Peptide synthesizer.
CS BIO 939 is a laboratory equipment and accessories package designed for molecular biology research. The system includes various items that work in combination to provide researchers with an efficient and reliable setup for a molecular lab. 939 package is designed for cell, tissue, and DNA manipulation in a variety of lab settings. It consists of a two key components - the microcentrifuge and the electrophoresis equipment. CS BIO 939 microcentrifuge is an efficient and dependable machine built to hold samples, store them, and rotate them at high speed. The benchtop model allows users to control settings, speed, and other parameters, which can offer a wide range of experiments in one lab. It has a maximum speed of up to 14000rpm, adjustable temperature ranges, and a motorized lid opening for easy access when needed. The electrophoresis equipment of 939 package includes the power supplies, buffers, and gel casting systems. The power supplies are used to propel ions based on electrical charge, while the buffers helps to maintain a constant pH level while the gel casting systems allow researchers to experiment with different types of gels. Buffers available with the package include tris-HCl, CAPS, and EDTA. CS BIO 939 package also includes additional accessories, such as a timer/speedometer and a vacuum pump. The timer allows a researcher to accurately time their experiments, while the vacuum pump is designed to efficiently and safely remove air and potentially hazardous particles from the lab environment. Overall, 939 package provides a complete solution for molecular lab research that includes efficient and reliable components designed to work in tandem. This equipment can deliver many advantages in terms of improved accuracy, reliability, and repeatability. With its microcentrifuge, electrophoresis, timers, vacuum pumps, and other accessories, CS BIO 939 package is ideal for those looking for quality molecular run experiments.
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