Used DIONEX PDA-1 #9072791 for sale

ID: 9072791
Photodiode Array Detector (PDA) P/N: 088318.
DIONEX PDA-1 is a spectrophotometric equipment designed to detect and analyze ultraviolet (UV) and visible light absorption. It comes with a detector and a monochromator, making it an essential tool for a variety of laboratory applications. The instrument offers an intuitive software system that allows easy access and operation from a PC, making it suitable for a variety of laboratory applications. PDA-1 is commonly used in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It is used to detect the presence of trace elements, such as sulfur or chlorine, in HPLC mobile phases and samples. Its sensitivity and accuracy make it an ideal choice for quantitative determination of small traces of contaminants and other analytes. Additionally, due to its short and long-wavelength programmable light source, DIONEX PDA-1 is ideal for detecting the presence of pigments and other compounds in biological suspensions or similar samples. The unit is designed to have a fast scan rate that allows users to view a sample's spectral data rapidly, making it a great tool for obtaining a rapid overview of the sample. PDA-1 is controlled by a PC that is capable of data storage, as well as data transfer, the machine can easily integrate with other software. The data obtained by the instrument is displayed graphically to allow quick visualizations of the sample's spectrum. DIONEX PDA-1 is safe and user friendly and offers a comfortable working environment. The tool is designed for low maintenance and limited consumable-parts, making it particularly suited for prolonged clinical studies and high sample throughputs. The accessories that come with the asset are of the highest quality. The model's stability and performance are precise, accurate, and reliable. PDA-1 Spectrophotometer makes a great choice for laboratories and research facilities that require a reliable and accurate spectrophotometric equipment. This is because it is capable of both UV and visible light analysis and because it offers advanced control and operation through a PC. The system is versatile, and the accessories it comes with are of the highest quality. Lastly, the fast scan rate ensures that users can view sample spectral data rapidly, making it an ideal choice for those who require quick visualizations of their results.
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