Used ELCOMETER 4340 #9275399 for sale
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ELCOMETER 4340 is a state-of-the-art laboratory instrument used to measure the static contact angle of liquids on solid surfaces. This device allows scientists to accurately determine the measure of the liquids' wetting strength on the chosen surface. To ensure accuracy, the device eliminates the potential errors associated with variation in the surface substrate, such as surface tension, surface free energy, and surface chemistry. 4340 comes standard with a high-precision Mettler Toledo digital scale, precision pressure vessel and abrasion-resistant stainless-steel transducers. The digital scale allows a range of measurements in mgm-2 to 1 microgram precision with 0.1mg resolution. The precision pressure vessel is equipped with the unique Helium Pipe Mast Equipment for stable readings even after long exposure to high temperatures. The stainless-steel transducers are specifically designed for long-term stability, accuracy, and repeatability. The instrument is also equipped with a 180micron to 2,000micron rotating sensor head, allowing for a broad range of reliable measurements of liquids' wetting properties. The sensor head automatically adjusts to any liquid surface, allowing for a seamless and accurate measuring process. Also, ELCOMETER 4340 offers advanced hardware and software for easy setup, operation, and data storage. The software is an intuitive and user-friendly system offering real-time measurements, results optimization, easy data reporting, and customizable user settings. The device also features a patented Water Capture Unit, which makes it ideal for wetting angle measurements with viscous liquids, like shampoo and toothpaste. This machine also allows greater accuracy in wetting angle measurements on hydrophilic surfaces and provides a more accurate calculation of liquids' wetting strength. 4340 is environmentally friendly and comes with a host of safety features, including temperature control and adjustable time cycles. Moreover, the device does not require the use of hazardous or costly chemicals. Lastly, this reliable, durable, and compact instrument is easy to maintain, saving time and energy in the laboratory.
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