Used GE HEALTHCARE LIFE SCIENCES / AMERSHAM Storm 860 #9053987 for sale

ID: 9053987
GE HEALTHCARE LIFE SCIENCES / AMERSHAM Storm 860 is a laboratory instrument and accessory used to process high-throughput and image-based analysis of large genomics experiments. This equipment is a combination of robotics, chemistry, antibody labeling, and visualization software, allowing researchers to automate processes across the gene expression, diagnostics, and functional proteomics disciplines. AMERSHAM Storm 860 features an automated sample processing workflow, offering a seamless connection between sample intake, imaging, amplification, detection, and data management. It can be easily integrated into any existing laboratory infrastructure, allowing researchers to work with other instrumentation and laboratory equipment. The unit includes a built-in microarray scanning system, enabling the quick and accurate data analysis of gene expression microarrays, including cDNA and oligonucleotide arrays. GE HEALTHCARE LIFE SCIENCES Storm 860 is designed to help researchers maximize results while minimizing the risk of specimen loss or contamination. The unit comes with a variety of features, such as advanced robotics, secure sample handling, active sample identification, and robust sample tracking. The unit also includes antibody labeling and fluorescent imaging technology, allowing researchers to quickly analyze gene expression data fluorescence without the need for manual staining procedures. The microarray scanning unit integrated with Storm 860 is designed to streamline the high-throughput analysis of biological samples. The machine can accurately distinguish between various cell types and perform a variety of microarray-based assays, such as gene expression murines and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Additionally, the unit includes software for image analysis and the construction of models from gene expression data. GE HEALTHCARE LIFE SCIENCES / AMERSHAM Storm 860 is a powerful tool designed to automate and streamline laboratory processes across the genomics, proteomics, and genomics fields. It offers researchers a secure, systematic, and standardized method for processing and analyzing biological samples. The asset includes advanced robotics and imaging software for efficient sample handling, ultra-sensitive sample detection, and image analysis. This robust model helps researchers maximize the accuracy and throughput of their analysis, while minimizing the risk of contamination and specimen loss.
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