Used IKA WERKE RH Basic #93880 for sale

ID: 93880
Magnetic stirrer.
IKA Works IKA WERKE RH Basic is a laboratory equipment and accessories platform designed for the scientific community. It provides state-of-the-art technology and products that are easy to use and maintain. The system is designed to help scientists maximize efficiency and accuracy in their research, while reducing costs and downtime. The platform is composed of various components, including labware such as beakers and cups, lab instruments such as balances and refractometers, lab supplies such as pipettes and spatulas, and more specialized items for more advanced research projects. The core of the platform is the IKA Works RH Basic Controller, which is a modern and reliable device that is capable of controlling the various components of the system. It contains an easy to use interface and sophisticated sensors, so it can accurately measure temperatures, pressures, and other characteristics of the laboratory setting. The controller can be used to set up and control specific lab equipment and can be used to log and store data. IKA WERKE RH Basic also includes a line of electronic lab-grade instruments that are simple to use yet provide highly accurate results. These instruments include pH meters, colorimeters, and viscometers, among others. The instruments can be used to measure specific characteristics of a substance, such as pH, color, and viscosity, making them ideal for research applications. To make lab processes simpler and more efficient, RH Basic also includes a number of labware options for laboratory environments. These include beakers, test tubes, graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, and more. Each type of labware is designed for specific purposes, such as sampling, mixing, or analysis. Additionally, IKA Works IKA WERKE RH Basic offers a number of labels and accessories so that each piece of lab equipment can be properly identified and tracked. In addition to the instruments and labware, IKA Works RH Basic also provides a wide range of accessories and consumables that make laboratory processes easier. These include pipette tips, gas regulators, tubing, and other essential parts and supplies. Additionally, IKA WERKE RH Basic systems offer a number of analyzers that are designed for specific tasks and projects, such as viscosity and pH analysis, and a range of fixtures for mounting and securing labware. Overall, IKA Works RH Basic is a comprehensive laboratory equipment and accessories platform designed for research and testing purposes. With its modern components and features, scientists can easily and accurately measure and analyze substances, with minimal downtime and cost.
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