Used NMR / MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC 7T160AS #9225166 for sale
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ID: 9225166
7 Tesla
Cooling: Liquid helium and liquid nitrogen
Homogeneity: +/-5 ppm.
NMR / MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC 7T160AS is an advanced ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment designed for use in research labs and scientific applications. It is a state-of-the-art instrument with an ultra-high-field strength of up to 7 Tesla (T), providing unprecedented spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. NMR 7T160AS is built on the latest NMR platform, featuring a wide array of advanced features and technologies to make it easy to use and maximize its usefulness. MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC 7T160AS features a single 100-mm bore magnet with a field strength of up to 7 Tesla and a high-performance gradient system with a maximum flux density of up to 500 mT/m. It also includes a long-life proprietary magnet shim storage unit to ensure optimal imaging performance and rapidly exchange field strengths. The included structure-correction feature ensures excellent image quality and maximum distortion reduction. 7T160AS includes an advanced pre-amplification, radio frequency, and receiver machine that delivers highly detailed imaging capabilities. The included Numaris/4 software suite provides an instant preview of the image, allowing users to focus on the specimen quickly and accurately. The tool is also custom-designed to work with MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC probes, so users can quickly and easily create a complex imaging environment. NMR / MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC 7T160AS also includes dedicated hardware and software for ultra-high-end image analysis, including multi-spectral and polarimetric imaging techniques. The included 'GatesLab LabVIEW' image-processing software provides powerful tools for extracting quantitative information from images and analyzing tissue properties. In addition, NMR 7T160AS contains additional features, such as an integrated cryogenic cooling asset. This cooling model reduces potential overheating and noise, ensuring optimal scientific results. Furthermore, it also includes a high-efficiency hydrogen pre-selection circuit, which reduces the risk of the equipment becoming contaminated by intrusive gas molecules. MAGNEX SCIENTIFIC 7T160AS is an advanced scientific system with features that are designed to cater to researchers' most stringent demands. The ultra-high-field strength combined with a powerful software suite allows for maximum signal-to-noise ratio and excellent image quality. Furthermore, the dedicated features and hardware make the unit easier to use and increase its usefulness for complex scientific research.
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