Used PIG Spill Kit #9012344 for sale

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ID: 9012344
Spill kit.
A PIG Spill Kit is a comprehensive system for spill response and containment. It provides key equipment and products that are essential for quickly and effectively containing and cleaning up spills. The components of a Spill Kit help to keep areas and surfaces safe, clean, and spill-free. The kit includes items such as absorbent pillows, socks, and booms, which are designed to quickly and easily surround and contain a variety of liquid spills. These absorbent products are constructed from a variety of materials such as polypropylene, melt-blown polypropylene, and cellulose to offer excellent absorbency rates. Low-odor, non-leaching formulas help ensure that areas and surfaces remain safe even after the spill has been cleaned up. In addition to absorbents, a PIG Spill Kit contains several other products such as protective clothing and goggles. Disposable coveralls, gloves, and shoe covers help keep workers and technicians clean and safe while cleaning up spills. Goggles protect the eyes from hazardous splashes that may be present in the spill. Spill Kit also features a variety of containers and disposal bags for the safe and convenient disposal of absorbents and other materials. Plastic bags, steel drums, and UN-certified containers keep the contained spill safe and contained for proper disposal. The components of PIG Spill Kit are designed to meet the needs of a variety of workplaces, from industrial and manufacturing to labs and spill response teams. The kit offers budget-friendly, OSHA-compliant solutions that reduce waste and help protect workers, surfaces, and the environment. For added convenience, a Spill Kit can be purchased as a complete system or assembled to meet specific needs. Ready-to-use kits are convenient, but customers can also customize their kits for different types of spills, locations, and crews. This is a great option for budget-conscious organizations that need to purchase only the components they need. In conclusion, PIG Spill Kit is a comprehensive and efficient system for containing and cleaning up spills. The components of the kit are designed to safely contain and absorb a variety of liquids, while the protective gear and disposal containers ensure a safe environment for workers and technicians. For organizations looking for a cost-effective, OSHA-compliant spill response solution, a Spill Kit is an excellent choice.
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