Used QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q #293651930 for sale
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QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q is an advanced laboratory instrument that enables rapid and reliable real-time PCR amplification of nucleic acids. It combines a unique parallel sample-processing capability with high-throughput analysis to facilitate efficient operation, excellent walk-away performance, and low start-up costs. With a throughput of up to 96 samples simultaneously in 384-well plates, Rotor-Gene Q provides a scalable and flexible, yet cost-effective solution for high-throughput gene expression, genotyping, and real-time RT-PCR applications. Its powerful incubation heater and integrated cooling device, coupled with an advanced multi-mode agitation equipment, produce rapid thermal cycling in the shortest time possible. With a maximum temperature of 105°C and an accuracy of ±0.2°C ± 1°C, QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q can heat and cool a wide range of sample formats, including single- and multi-well plates, PCR strips, and microwell plates. Rotor-Gene Q adds considerable flexibility to its testing applications, with the comprehensive suite of available software. The intuitive, user-friendly QuantiTect software is designed to support any type of PCR-based application, including MiQE-compliant quantitative assays. Furthermore, automation integration is available via the optional API, which allows users to program QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q to begin PCR and fluorescence measurements with one click from any third-party system. A unique feature of Rotor-Gene Q is its integrated noise filter, which eliminates background noise and minimizes distractions. The powerful, yet quiet, noise filter inhibits surface noise for better accuracy, delivering enhanced speed and reliability. To guarantee optimal performance, QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q includes a variety of preventive maintenance functions, such as automatic calibration, ensuring reliable and consistent results. Rotor-Gene Q's flip-top hood also helps improve sample safety. The hood is designed to evenly distribute gentle air flow and prevent cross-contamination. The high-performance loading unit ensures maximum sample throughput, with smooth, efficient sample insertion and removal. Overall, QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q is a reliable, high-performance machine that accelerates PCR-based applications. Its unrivalled speed, proven accuracy, and flexible software make it ideal for any real-time PCR laboratory.
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