Used COHERENT 899-21 #9281045 for sale
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ID: 9281045
Ring lasers
Setup for Ti:Sapphire
(10) Reference cells
Laser head
Rubber O-rings.
COHERENT 899-21 is a long-pulse laser system used in a wide variety of industrial applications. It is an energy-efficient, diode-pumped laser system that provides a long pulse duration of up to 20 nanoseconds (ns) at 500 Hz repetition rate. It can operate both in CW and pulsed modes, and has an output power of up to 400 mW. It features an integrated air-cooled laser with a resealable plastic housing, as well as an output port and fiber-optic connection to allow for remote operation. The laser has a resonator length of 21.2 cm and a gain medium of Nd:YAP (Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite). It has a diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) frequency conversion of 946 nm to 1064 nm, with a peak emission wavelength of 532 nm. Additionally, it has a pump/active area power density of 287 W/cm 2, and an approximate power stability of <1%. Its pulse shape is adjustable with in-built controls on the pulse timings and frequency. 899-21's beam properties are highly tuned for diffraction-limited, tight-beam operation. It has an output beam with a M2 parameter of <1, and a Gaussian beam profile of 1/e2 diameter of 0.2 to 0.3mm at the beam waist. Furthermore, the beam is tightly focused, leading to deeper and higher quality engraving and cutting processes. The laser's versatile operation makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. It is often used for engraving on glass, cutting and welding of thin metal strips, and creating micro-holes in printed circuit boards. It can also be used for precision drilling or cutting of thin plastics and ceramics. Additionally, it can be used for laser marking applications, such as scribing, etching, annealing, and laser scanning. COHERENT 899-21 can be powered using 110V or 220V single phase power, and has a power consumption of 120 W. Its maintenance-free operation and reliable performance make it a great choice for industrial and commercial applications. Furthermore, its long pulse duration allows for more efficient and precise laser cutting and marking.
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