Used ESI 5970 #9268112 for sale

ID: 9268112
Vintage: 2013
Laser micro machining system 2013 vintage.
ESI 5970 is an active pulse laser generator designed for optical applications. The laser is based on a solid state diode-pumped Nd:YAG source, which provides up to 5 watts of output power. Its output is adjustable in both wavelength and pulse duration for a wide range of applications. 5970 features a flexible laser equipment that is capable of producing several user-defined pulse repetition rates. Its pulse generator section is capable of providing short pulses with a wavelength of 532 nm and a maximum repetition rate of 20 kHz. This makes the system well suited for fast-response applications such as laser rangefinding and optical communication. The diode-pumped Nd:YAG source of ESI 5970 produces a high-quality beam profile with a precise spatial geometry, low divergence, and uniform power distribution. This ensures greater beam stability and predictable performance for multiple laser operations. The unit is further equipped with a user-friendly software-controlled interface, with which users can choose preferred pulse parameters, as well as monitor and adjust the settings of the laser. This grants them a greater degree of control over the output laser performance. 5970 also offers an amplified LED alignment machine, enabling the user to quickly and easily align optical components, even in difficult-to-access locations. The tool provides a range of features and options, including a laser diode marker, a beam profile alignment asset, and an auto-alignment feature. ESI 5970 can also be fitted with a range of accessories for a complete laser model, such as power supplies, lens, beam homogenization and beam splitters. To further enhance the capabilities of the equipment, options such as liquid chilling systems, computer-controlled operation, and real-time remote monitoring can also be added. Overall, 5970 is an ideal laser generator for a variety of optical applications, offering reliable performance, adjustable pulse parameters, a user-friendly interface, and accessory options for a complete laser system.
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