Used ESI 5970 #9280071 for sale

ID: 9280071
Vintage: 2013
Laser micro machining system 2013 vintage.
ESI 5970 is a pulsed laser equipment designed for advanced laser material processing applications. Incorporating a range of high-power diode and lamp-pumped Nd:YAG lasers, the system delivers exceptional performance, flexibility and scalability. 5970 has a range of features that make it suitable for advanced laser material processing applications including welding, laser cutting, micro machining and thin film coating. At the heart of ESI 5970 is its range of diode and lamp-pumped lasers, which deliver output powers of up to 500W with pulse widths of 4-8 µs. The power is supplied by a custom-designed optical head containing multiple laser diode bars. The diode bars provide the energy for the laser pulse, and the optical head also contains focusing, homogenization and stabilization optics, as well as cooling and control systems for the laser. To complete the configuration, 5970 includes additional options for pulse energy control and end-point control. The pulse energy control allows the user to adjust the power delivered by the laser over the processing area, while pulse end-point control allows for precise control of the laser pulse duration. ESI 5970's advanced laser beam delivery unit includes a high-precision, rigid Z-axis positioning machine. This motion allows for the exact placement of the beam on the work piece, with repeatable and precise control of the beam focus position and tilt angles. 5970 also features a high-speed shutter tool to provide accurate timing of the laser pulses, with pulse-to-pulse repeatability. This ensures that the desired power and time control of each pulse is achieved. The asset also provides a range of safety features to protect the user from injury, including interlocks, sensors and automatic beam shutoff. In addition, ESI 5970 allows for the integration of a range of automation components, for an additional measure of precision and repeatability. This includes the integration of robotic arms, end-effectors, motion tracking devices, and other external peripherals. Combined, these components help to enhance the model's performance and make it suitable for sophisticated laser material processing applications.
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