Used INFICON UL 1000 #9140639 for sale

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UL 1000
ID: 9140639
Helium leak detector.
INFICON UL 1000 is a specialized Leak Detector designed to detect gas leaks in any system containing a range of potentially harmful or costly gases and vapors. UL 1000's unique design allows for accurate detection of any type of escapes both large and small, helping protect people and the environment from hazardous material losses. INFICON UL 1000 uses a heated diode to measure the heat released by escaping gas molecules, which is then converted to a visual or audible signal, making it easy to identify any leaks present. UL 1000 is designed to detect and measure a variety of gases, including highly combustible ones such as hydrogen, flammable liquids such as gasoline, and gases that can be hazardous when present in high concentrations, such as carbon dioxide and refrigerant gases. INFICON UL 1000 is designed to be utilized in industries where a leak may pose a significant monetary loss or a risk to consumer safety, allowing you to find leaks in a variety of applications. UL 1000 has a high signal sensitivity, allowing it to detect even the smallest gas leaks. This ensures that you identify and detect any and all leaks, regardless of the type or size. This allows you to quickly take proactive action to fix the situation to avoid additional damage or risk to safety. Furthermore, its unique design allows the instrument to be able to detect leaks from multiple directions. INFICON UL 1000 is a portable and lightweight instrument, designed for easy use in any environment. Its ergonomic design allows it to be comfortably operated with one hand, meaning you can quickly gain access and move around to detect the leak. Its compact design ensures it fits into tight places, ensuring you cover every area and remain safe by avoiding dangerous or hazardous spaces. UL 1000 also includes an alert system which can be adjusted to suit your specific application. The user can set the device's sensitivity and alarm thresholds according to their needs, allowing it to be customised for each individual case. Additionally, the system is supplied with a high-visibility red LED light, which provides a visual confirmation if a leak is found. Overall, INFICON UL 1000 is an extremely reliable and accurate leak detector, designed to provide the user with maximum safety in a variety of applications. Its highly sensitive design allows the user to detect even the smallest leaks. Additionally, its portability and compact design allow it to be used in any environment. Finally, its user-friendly alert systems allows the user to customize the leak detection to their specific needs.
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