Used DMG MORI MillTap 700 #9240276 for sale
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ID: 9240276
Vintage: 2017
Milling machines
RPM: 24000
(30) Taper spindles
RENISHAW OMP Part probes
OTS Tool setters
2017 vintage.
DMG MORI MillTap 700 is a state-of-the-art machine tool designed for the most accurate and efficient operations. It features the unique 'TapX' technology, allowing for the highest milling performance and increased accuracy. This machine offers powerful and flexible tapping capabilities for high volume production. DMG MORI Mill Tap 700 benefits from high speed direct spindle drive, which improves cutting speeds by up to 50% and increases accuracy and surface finish. This results in improved productivity and higher performance machining. The TapX technology enables up to 8 times better surface finish, reducing the time needed for tap operations. The spindle is also constructed from premium components which further maximize performance. MillTap 700 boasts powerful motors, thermal monitoring and advanced control systems. Motor power is rated at 48kW, with the ability to reach top speeds of up to 12000 rpm. The advanced thermal monitoring function ensures an optimal temperature is maintained inside the tool during operations, increasing the reliability of the system. Additionally, the tool is compatible with advanced electronic controllers, allowing for full control over machine functions. DMG MORI MillTap 700 offers a range of production capabilities, allowing for easy setup of the most complex machines and operations. Thanks to the built-in automatic tool changing system, production time can be minimized. This machine also features an integrated coolant system, providing complete cooling can be achieved during production. MillTap 700 has been designed for ease of use and productivity, making it the ideal machine for any operation. Its advanced features and capabilities ensure maximum production capacity, resulting in improved cost efficiency. This machine will handle all your milling needs with reliability and precision.
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