Used TBT / TIEFBOHRTECHNIK BW 200 #9312266 for sale
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ID: 9312266
Vintage: 2002
Deep hole boring machine
Core drilling diameter: Maximum 25 mm
Bore depth: 800 mm
X-Axis: 800 mm
Y-Axis: 800 mm
Z-Axis: 500 mm
Turning speeds: 10,000 U/min
Rapid traverse: 12 m/min
Table size: 800 mm x 600 mm
Bore diameter: 2-25 mm
Borehole diameter: 30 mm
Power requirement: 33 kW
2002 vintage.
TBT / TIEFBOHRTECHNIK BW 200 is an automated drilling and tapping machine designed to tackle difficult operations with speed and precision. The machine is equipped with a reliable CNC control equipment to enable accurate control of drilling and tapping operations. The machine is equipped with a high-end sliding headstock capable of drilling and tapping holes up to 6mm in diameter with a maximum drilling depth of 350 mm in metric materials. The spindle and the drill tube feed are powered by an integrated AC motor with high-torque output, allowing for fast and accurate drilling and tapping operations. Additionally, the machine is equipped with an efficient feed system that is capable of delivering the right drilling depth and achieving high levels of repeatability. This advanced feed unit is controlled by an electronic encoder which ensures accurate and consistent motion control. The machine also features a high-precision workstation with multiple safety features and a user-friendly interface. A suction machine is integrated into the machine to collect the tapping chips, ensuring a smooth and safe operation. For efficient production, the machine is equipped with a self-adjusting spindle speed for different machining conditions. The built-in CCD vision tool allows for precisely locating the drill holes. The machine is also equipped with an efficient chip conveyor asset which makes it easy to remove the chips produced during drilling and tapping operations. The machine is suitable for a variety of materials including medium and large-sized workpieces. It can perform high- precision operations in materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, brass, and plastics. This makes it a cost-effective choice for producing high-quality components. Overall, TBT BW 200 is a reliable and precise machine tool with excellent machine features and user-friendly interface. It is the ideal choice for a range of drilling and tapping operations for medium-sized and large-scale workpieces.
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