Used AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS SemVision G5 HP #9408668 for sale

ID: 9408668
Vintage: 2013
Defect review system 2013 vintage.
AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS SemVision G5 HP is a mask and wafer inspection equipment designed to be a fast, high-accuracy, and easy-to-use system for both production and failure analysis applications. The unit has been designed with a patented photolithography tool designed to provide superior imaging capabilities. It offers multiple technologies, including both conventional and advanced imaging techniques, such as spectroscopy and SEM/EDX imaging. The machine is equipped with an advanced electromagnetic lens tool with a low-noise, 300 KV primary electron gun and a spectrometer, which provides a greater resolution and imaging speed. Additionally, the asset can detect and identify any anomalies in the substrate or the film structure with its automated defect inspection (ADI) capability. The model also features an automatic low-voltage inspection (AVI) for failure analysis and pattern recognition, providing further insight into any defects present. The equipment includes a variety of other features, such as optimized imaging software and process control data acquisition, which allow for precise control of the parameters used to take and analyze high-resolution images. The system is also designed to provide automated image calibration, allowing faster, more accurate image taking and analysis. Finally, AMAT SemVision G5 HP also enables thorough and reliable review of metrology results. As a robust unit with a wide range of ascepts, APPLIED MATERIALS SemVision G5 HP promises to provide a comprehensive and reliable mask and wafer inspection machine. The tool is ideal for any application requiring high-accuracy imaging and insight into substrate and film structure or any underlying defects or abnormalities. With its comprehensive features, SemVision G5 HP provides a comprehensive and robust asset that is sure to meet and exceed the demands of any application.
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