Used K-MAC SpectraThick #9134199 for sale

ID: 9134199
K-MAC SpectraThick is an advanced mask and wafer inspection equipment that is capable of detecting defects with high accuracy. Its unique design enables its application to both mask and wafer levels as well as different types of lithography. The system uses a spectroscopic imaging technology to inspect for defects, providing a precise and continuous scan. The inspection is done by a laser beam, which is guided along the mask or wafer to detect transmissive or reflective defects. The laser beam is equipped with a special wavelength selection unit, to detect various kinds of defects. The laser is also able to measure the transmission or reflection of the beams and identify materials based on the absorbing and reflecting properties of the material that move through the masks or wafers. SpectraThick machine also employs a variety of algorithms to further increase the accuracy of the results. These algorithms process the incoming data and detect varieties of defects, such as bright and dark spots, defects with multiple scattering centres, contractions and expansion, line defects, and optical absorbance. In the case of a defect, the precise location and size of the defect are identified. K-MAC SpectraThick also provides a wide range of options to adjust the settings, such as the scan area or defect detection thresholds, as well as statistical analysis and reporting functions for different types of data. The tool is highly configurable and flexible, supporting both manual and automated operation, allowing users to tailor the asset to the inspection task. Its advanced features allow users to incorporate additional functionality beyond inspection, such as defect classification and characterization. Overall, SpectraThick provides a robust, sophisticated, and precise inspection model for mask and wafer inspection. Its high quality, accuracy, and flexibility make it an ideal solution for wide variety of applications.
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