Used KLA / TENCOR Surfscan SP1 Classic #9410848 for sale

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ID: 9410848
Wafer Size: 8"
Wafer surface analysis system, 8".
KLA / TENCOR SP1 Classic is a universal and high precision mask & wafer inspection equipment designed for process control, yield improvement, and defect monitoring of critical process steps in semiconductor device manufacturing. This system offers fast, automated data-driven runtime analysis of yields, process performance and yield trends, enabling critical decisions to be made quickly and accurately. The unit integrates with process tools and production databases to enable higher productivity, allowing end users to optimize processes and shorten their product cycle. KLA SP1 Classic uses advanced imaging technologies to inspect wafers and masks as they go through various production steps such as lithography, etching, deposition, and wafer coatings. It includes a color camera, which allows it to capture multiple images of the surface up to 10,000x magnification. This enables the machine to detect even the smallest of defects that may be otherwise undetectable. TENCOR SP 1 CLASSIC also has an embedded AutoFocus tool that allows for precise measurements of the wafers and masks. This asset can measure topography, overlay inspection and alignment, resistivity profiles, and more. Furthermore, the model is capable of identifying repeating structures and structures of varying sizes, enabling it to detect wafer defects that may be difficult to spot with a traditional imaging equipment. SP1 Classic also offers a software platform for capturing, analyzing, and comparing data gathered from the mask & wafer inspections. This platform allows users to access the acquired images through an intuitive user interface with advanced features such as automated defect detection, three-dimensional display, high-resolution image enhancement, spectral analysis, and advanced data mining algorithms. The software can be tailored and customized to specific needs, ensuring that the data is always accurate and up-to-date. Finally, KLA / TENCOR SP 1 CLASSIC is an effective and reliable inspection system, offering high accuracy and precision. By integrating with other process tools, this unit allows end users to achieve improved yields and process efficiency, reducing the product cycle and production costs.
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