Used KLA / TENCOR Surfscan SP2 #293624108 for sale

ID: 293624108
Inspection system.
KLA / TENCOR Surfscan SP2 is a mask and wafer inspection equipment designed to quickly and accurately inspect masks and wafers. The system utilizes advanced optics and software to inspect wafer edges and other features for uniformity and shape. An automated palette allows for wafer handling and transport, featuring a unique calibration unit which ensures that each wafer is handled in its most accurate form. The machine also supports industry-standard mask to wafer transfers, allowing for optimal operation when working with large volumes of masks. The tool's optical subsystem is a two-stage configuration comprised of an air-cooled, pulsed xenon illumination source and a scanned CCD camera. The asset's optics are designed to provide high resolution imaging of both the mask and the wafer surface. The lighting design utilizes a diffuser and a narrow-angle masking model to ensure uniform illumination, while a selectable anti-reflection filter ensures the correct illumination angle. The equipment's software suite is designed to detect, analyze, and grade defects in both the masks and wafers. KLA Surfscan SP2 utilizes a set of algorithms to detect and grade a variety of defects, such as particles, corrosion, scratches, and distortions. The system also offers a defect toolbox to customize setpoint actions, as well as statistical process control (SPC) to analyze trends in mask and wafer inspection processes. TENCOR SURFSCAN SP 2 unit offers scalability and flexibility to meet the needs of various applications. The adjustable optical machine allows the user to adjust the field of view, enabling the detection and inspection of both small and large surface features. The tool also includes a wafer edge determination asset, which provides an additional layer of accuracy when positioning wafers for inspection. SURFSCAN SP 2 is an advanced mask and wafer inspection model. Its advanced optics, software suite, and scalability make it an ideal solution for mask and wafer inspection applications. With its superior design, the equipment is capable of detecting and grading a variety of defects quickly and accurately, providing users with reliable and accurate inspection results.
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