Used NANOMETRICS Caliper Mosaic #9383362 for sale

ID: 9383362
Vintage: 2011
Overlay control system 2011 vintage.
NANOMETRICS Caliper Mosaic is a powerful and versatile tool for mask and wafer inspection. It leverages patented algorithms to efficiently and accurately inspect for defects on both mask and wafer substrates. Caliper Mosaic features advanced QuadriChromatic imaging, which uses four spectral bands to digitally represent mask or wafer topology. The system captures up to eight sub-micron feature resolution, suitable for the inspection of fine, intricate features. A 8-inch high resolution 2K x 2K FPA sensor provides selectable, high resolution image capture. Real-time video capture with high speed cameras helps ensure the highest level of accuracy in the inspection process. NANOMETRICS Caliper Mosaic provides precise and versatile detection capability. Its advanced MultiObject Inspection (MOI) feature automatically alerts the user to precise location and size of any defects found in the image. It can detect a wide range of defects, including particles, pits, pinholes, voids, shorts, overhangs and more. It also features automated double-side optical flatband compensation for improved evaluation and analysis, as well as the ability to store imaging data for later review. The system also has an automatic off-line tunable mask inspection capability that optimizes hardware settings for each label. Caliper Mosaic features remote operation and low-impact maintenance, making it an ideal choice for inspecting sensitive mask and wafer substrates. It is also compatible with a wide range of software, enabling easy integration into existing production pipelines. With its advanced imaging technology, precise defect detection capabilities, and user-configurable hardware settings, NANOMETRICS Caliper Mosaic is an invaluable tool for inspecting mask and wafer substrates.
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