Used NANOMETRICS NanoSpec AFT #9066146 for sale

ID: 9066146
Thickness measurement system.
NANOMETRICS NanoSpec AFT is a mask and wafer inspection equipment used to detect linear defects in patterned masks and wafers. The system combines laser-diffraction imaging (LDI) with automated laser beam scanning and analysis to quickly and accurately detect and identify defects. It is also capable of analyzing and measuring the properties of these defects, allowing for highly precise measurements. NANOMETRICS NANOSPEC/AFT is composed of multiple components that allow the unit to work at high speed and accuracy. The machine includes a highly accurate optical scanning tool with multiple point of view configurations, allowing for inspection of up to 15,000 fields of view per second. It also features Uniquely Configured Image Acquisition and Smart Reticles which are used to quickly and precisely acquire an image of the defects. The asset further features Nanowise Data Processing Technology, which enables NANOMETRICS to measure the shape, position, and size of the defects quickly and accurately. This data processing technology is capable of analyzing the data at speeds up to 10kHz. Additionally, the model includes an intuitive user-friendly interface, which allows users to manipulate and adjust the settings as needed. NanoSpec AFT is highly adept at inspecting and measuring even the tiniest defects, capable of detecting defects as small as 10 to 100 nanometers. By combining these capabilities, NANOSPEC/AFT offers unparalleled speed, accuracy, and defect level detection. The equipment is also designed to be compatible with various masks and wafer materials, allowing for increased flexibility and usability. Overall, NANOMETRICS NanoSpec AFT is a feature-rich mask and wafer inspection system capable of detecting and measuring even the smallest of defects with enhanced speed and accuracy. The unit's ability to detect and measure ultrafine defects combined with its user-friendly interface and compatibility with various materials makes it a valuable tool for those requiring high quality and accuracy in their inspection.
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